Monday, January 25, 2010

Letter #25

Letter writing topic for January 25, 2010:

Today, write a Valentine letter or two or three. I know it's a little early, but if you want to get your Valentines postmarked with special postmarks from places like Valentine, Nebraska, or Romance, Arkansas, you'll need to get them mailed early.

How do you do such a thing? Well, you write your letters, put them into the envelopes, address and stamp the envelopes and then put the envelopes in a big envelope addressed to the Postmaster of the town whose postmark you want. Write a short note indicating that you want the letters re-mailed with their special postmark. If you prefer that they be mailed on a certain day, ask for that, but policies may vary from post office to post office.

There are many towns with Valentine-oriented names. Do a search on the Internet for some ideas. Here are a couple of links to get you started: USPS and Holidash.

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