When I started the 365 Letters Project, I realized I needed an address book. Of course, I had address books in the past, but they were all out-dated. I wanted to start fresh.
But when I went looking for a new address book, I figured out they're a rarity. Not that many exist anymore. The few I could find were typically very small or didn't have space for the type of information I needed to record about my penpals. Often, today, an address and one phone number isn't all you need to know about your friends and family.
Designed my own
I never did get a new address book that year of writing 365 letters. But, the need for one continued. Finally, I used my experience in designing publications to create my own address book.
I knew that if I needed an address book and was having difficulty finding one, other letter writers were probably experiencing the same thing. Sure, we all have apps and programs for keeping up with our contacts. But, when you're sitting down with a piece of paper, a pen and a book of stamps, it's nice to have a non-digital list of your pen pals and their addresses.
With a paper address book, you don't have to worry about whether or not the battery is charged, and you don't have to interrupt your mindset by looking at your phone or computer — such devises can be rather distracting when you're in the middle of hand-writing a letter.
For today's letter writer
When designing the address book, I updated the traditional format by including space for email addresses, blogs and website addresses. Of course, there's room for addresses and phone
numbers, too!
The Address Book by 365 Letters is professionally printed with a cover that has a parchment paper look. The interior of the book features black ink on a smooth cream-colored paper.
I put a lot of thought into the design, keeping today’s letter writer in mind. It’s small enough to fit easily into a backpack, purse or maybe even a jacket pocket. The plastic coil binding allows it to lay flat while you add the contact information of your friends and family. And, as I mentioned above, its low-tech nature makes sure you have access to everything you need to know when writing letters, with no worries about batteries, cell tower service or an Internet connection.
The Address Book measures 6 by 9 inches (about 15x23 cm). It has a total of 93 alphabetically labeled pages. There's room for you to write down the names, addresses and other information about 186 people.
The standard Address Book is available directly from Lulu Publishing or in my Etsy shop.
Customized Address Book
However, I also offer a customized Address Book.
Most standardized address books, including the standard Address Book I designed, have a pre-set number of pages for each specific letter of the alphabet, based on statistics for the most common last names. But, what if you write to a lot of people whose names start with the letter E or V or X? What are you supposed to do? One solution is to order a custom-made address book that's designed especially for you and your contacts.
How does it work? After you order a customized Address Book from the 365 Letters Etsy shop, I will contact you by email and request the information for designing your Address Book. For example, if you need to list 12 people with last names that start with the letter Z but you know no one with a last name that starts with the letter M, I'll create your address book so that you have plenty of room for all those Zs. The Customized Address Book has the same great features as the standard address book, including the parchment paper-look cover, etc.
The Customized Address Book also makes a great gift for your family members, especially if you have a name that doesn't match standardized address books.
For more details, see my Customized Address Book listing on Etsy.
Order today!
Order a standard or customized address book for you and one for a fellow letter-writing enthusiast!
But when I went looking for a new address book, I figured out they're a rarity. Not that many exist anymore. The few I could find were typically very small or didn't have space for the type of information I needed to record about my penpals. Often, today, an address and one phone number isn't all you need to know about your friends and family.
Designed my own

I knew that if I needed an address book and was having difficulty finding one, other letter writers were probably experiencing the same thing. Sure, we all have apps and programs for keeping up with our contacts. But, when you're sitting down with a piece of paper, a pen and a book of stamps, it's nice to have a non-digital list of your pen pals and their addresses.
With a paper address book, you don't have to worry about whether or not the battery is charged, and you don't have to interrupt your mindset by looking at your phone or computer — such devises can be rather distracting when you're in the middle of hand-writing a letter.
For today's letter writer

The Address Book by 365 Letters is professionally printed with a cover that has a parchment paper look. The interior of the book features black ink on a smooth cream-colored paper.
I put a lot of thought into the design, keeping today’s letter writer in mind. It’s small enough to fit easily into a backpack, purse or maybe even a jacket pocket. The plastic coil binding allows it to lay flat while you add the contact information of your friends and family. And, as I mentioned above, its low-tech nature makes sure you have access to everything you need to know when writing letters, with no worries about batteries, cell tower service or an Internet connection.
The Address Book measures 6 by 9 inches (about 15x23 cm). It has a total of 93 alphabetically labeled pages. There's room for you to write down the names, addresses and other information about 186 people.
The standard Address Book is available directly from Lulu Publishing or in my Etsy shop.
Customized Address Book
However, I also offer a customized Address Book.
Most standardized address books, including the standard Address Book I designed, have a pre-set number of pages for each specific letter of the alphabet, based on statistics for the most common last names. But, what if you write to a lot of people whose names start with the letter E or V or X? What are you supposed to do? One solution is to order a custom-made address book that's designed especially for you and your contacts.
How does it work? After you order a customized Address Book from the 365 Letters Etsy shop, I will contact you by email and request the information for designing your Address Book. For example, if you need to list 12 people with last names that start with the letter Z but you know no one with a last name that starts with the letter M, I'll create your address book so that you have plenty of room for all those Zs. The Customized Address Book has the same great features as the standard address book, including the parchment paper-look cover, etc.
The Customized Address Book also makes a great gift for your family members, especially if you have a name that doesn't match standardized address books.
For more details, see my Customized Address Book listing on Etsy.
Order today!
Order a standard or customized address book for you and one for a fellow letter-writing enthusiast!
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