Monday, March 27, 2017

Reach out to someone today

The area where I live has suffered several unrelated tragedies lately, tragedies that have involved the loss of several young lives. Seeing friends, acquaintances and fellow citizens grieving for their loved ones has been heartbreaking, and it reminds us all that life is too precious to be taken for granted. We do not know what will happen next week, tomorrow or even later today.

Don’t put off telling someone that you love them. Don’t delay in making that apology you know you need to make. Contact a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Reconnect with a distant relative.

This blog is all about letter writing, but if you’re putting off contacting someone because you don’t think you have time to sit down and write a proper letter, then communicate some other way. Call, email, text, video chat.  Send a Snap, a Tweet or a personal message on any medium. If you really want to write your message, consider a postcard or notecard for a shorter letter that you can get in the mail today.

The point is to reach out to those you care about. Let them know you care.

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