I found this book at a thrift store, it seems. When I bought it, I had never heard of it and didn't quite understand the type of book it was. It's titled "Letters of Thanks: A Christmas Tale," so I thought it was about writing thank-you letters.
How fun it was when I sat down and read it! Written by Manghanita Kempadoo and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury in 1969, the small book is a series of letters from Lady Katherine Huntington to Lord Gilbert, thanking him for all the gifts he keeps sending her... a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, etc. I won't give away the story, but just imagine what you'd do with six geese, seven swans, nine fiddlers, ten drummers, eleven dancing ladies, and so on.
I see the book is available online at a variety of prices. If you love Christmas, as well as letter writing, you might find this book amusing.

Thanks I will check it out . I love both christmas and letter writing .
I don't celebrate Christmas but I love the Twelve Days of Christmas song. I will for sure see about owning a copy. Thank you!
That is awesome, I will be checking it out!
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