Thursday, July 9, 2009


Some other projects have kept me too busy to blog much this week, but I'm still writing letters.

To tell the truth, I don't get many letters of reply in the mail. But I guess all of you dedicated letter writers expected that. I'm sure you, too, send out more letters than you receive. Seems as if most people are just too busy nowadays to sit down and write a letter. I wonder if the replies will pick up when the weather isn't so warm.

So that I'm not inundating family and long-time friends with too many letters, I've been writing letters to people I've found through this blog, on and at I'm not getting so many replies to those letters, either, but at least I'm writing to new people. I'd say my new blog-found penpals and one high school friend are the best at writing back.

Still no letter from my daughter who's away at camp. But, there's still today and tomorrow's mail. We'll pick her up tomorrow evening. We've sent her several letters, as well as e-mail every day. The e-mails are supposed to be delivered along with the postal mail, but there's no opportunity for the girls to send a reply e-mail.

But, despite mostly bills and junk in the mailbox, I'm persisting with the letter writing, aiming to keep the goal!

Happy Letter Writing!


The Missive Maven said...

Ah, I feel your pain and know this dilemma. My real-life friends, relatives and loved ones are not the best of writers. That's why, a little over a year ago, I gave up on expecting any of them to write back, and sought out pen pals from other sources. I do highly recommend the Letter Writers Alliance and The Letter Exchange. I got 4 letters from those sources alone just today. And - I owe you a letter! :-)

Dee said...

Excellent! Keep it up!

For all my letter-writing, I only hear great responses.... by word-of-mouth, pass the message along type of deal.
It's not the same as someone writing back to you but I know it's unrealistic for me to expect a pile of snail mail for me to dive into.

*thumbs up*

But keep chugging along!

The Missive Maven said...

Amelia - the internet has actually helped me find a lot more people who write letters. I have a lot of pen pals, and over 90% of them I found online.

Me said...

Hey - I write ALL THE TIME! I send letters to my aunt, mother and sister, friends and usually get replies! If you want a writer who will respond to each letter, hit me up cuz that's me : )

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