As I've ventured more and more into the 21st century penpal world, I've remembered some things from the past. When I was in high school and had penpals from all over the globe, I often used the less expensive self-mailers that the post office sold. The postage was pre-printed on the all-in-one stationery/envelope. If I didn't use one of those blue mailers, I most likely used a standard U.S. Postal Service airmail/international postage stamp.
Maybe I didn't realize I didn't have to use those particular stamps; maybe I just didn't fully comprehend the popularity of "stamp art." I remember one penpal writing and asking me to use some different stamps. I'm sure he or she was collecting stamps and wanted something new for the collection.
After reading some comments on letter writing blogs and forums, I've once again realized the fun in using a variety of stamps. So, I logged on to the U.S. Postal Service's Web site and ordered some stamps.
What fun it was! I calculated all sorts of postage rates and picked out stamps in several different amounts.
It took my order a week to arrive, but to be fair, I did place the order on the Friday of a three-day weekend. Now, I'm having fun choosing just the right stamp for each envelope.
1 comment:
Thank you for telling me, that your ordered stamps came! I have hope for my 'pretty' stamps to arrive today, maybe.
Sure hope so, because I've run out of stamps and have a letter, just waiting to be mailed. When I can do so, I leave my letters in my mail box {along with some Hershey's Kisses} for my Mail lady to mail for me. :-)
Keeping my fingers crossed, that mine come today! :-)
'Aunt Amelia'
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