I just love coming across new blogs — or blogs that are new to me — that are about letter writing, snail mail, mail art or other such topics. Sometimes they offer information on how to write a letter. Others focus on their incoming and outgoing mail.
Today, I found two "new" blogs. Naomi's blog is about much more than correspondence, but she does have a link on the right side of her page to all of her snail mail posts. The most recent post features a list of letter writing-related things online. More things to explore! She even has a novel titled "Airmail"!
Over at Snail Mail Lady, Christine displays several of the notecards she makes. Christine's profile IDs her as a rural mail carrier in Wisconsin. She creates some nice cards!

Thanks so much for including my blog in this post. I'm super chuffed! Love finding other people and blogs who love snail mail too!
I enjoyed viewing these sites, and am always looking for more inspiration!
Thank you for the link to Naomi's blog. The artwork on her parcels is lovely!
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