Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Letter from a Literary Hero

Photo by Caleb Sconosciuto
Today, on the syracuse.com website, writer Janet Gramza blogs about a letter she received almost 30 years ago from author Ray Bradbury, who died last week. Janet explains how, as a 21-year-old college student, she was afraid that her favorite author would die before she had a chance to write to him.

Fortunately, Janet took the opportunity to write a letter, and she still has Bradbury's response framed on her desk.

Is there a letter you need to write before it's too late (for one reason or another)? Write that letter today! Don't delay!


Laura L. said...

This is a great story! The stories of Ray Bradbury had such a formative effect on my life, and I wish I had had the foresight to have written him a letter years ago.

Anke said...

What a lovely story! I really want to send more letters and think that writing to those who inspire us is a fantastic idea. The Ray Bradbury letter is a great treasure - Janet is a lucky woman.

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