There are a couple of books out right now that illustrate a great reason to write letters — historical record. Of course, we have newspapers that record history. And, many people use various social media sites, email and other electronic resources for marking events in their lives.
But, who knows how long each of the electronic devices will be around and accessible (how many people even remember the passwords to their old social media accounts?). I just found out recently that the little portable USB flash drives for digital data (sometimes they're called "jump drives" or "thumb drives") aren't "forever." Obviously, they can be easily lost or damaged, but, also, the devices are only expected to last 10 at the maximum before they start to deteriorate and you lose your data. The same holds true for camera cards and most types of personal digital storage devices. Everything we've done — all the pictures we've taken, emails we've written and received, documents we've written — is in danger of vanishing from the digital devices on which we've stored it.
On the other hand, we still have letters and other documents that were written dozens, hundreds, even thousands of years ago, depending on your definitions of "document" and "writing."
The new books I recently read about tell historical stories based on letters. Please note that I haven't read either of these books; I've only read about them. But, just their existence speaks volumes about the power of the handwritten letter.
According to the Beaver, Pennsylvania,
Times Online, former teacher Jay Paisley tells William H. Huffman's
story through his eyes via letters he wrote to his family and
friends back home in Darlington, Pa., during the Civil War. "The Huffman Letters: Civil War
Letters to Beaver County, Pennsylvania," is an in-depth look at the
soldier who served in the Union Army with the 100th Regiment of
Pennsylvania Volunteers from 1861 to 1865. The newspaper story (click the link at the beginning of this paragraph) gives a little bit of information about where you might be able to find a copy of the book.

MinnPost website reports that, in “The Crops Look Good”
(published by Minnesota Historical Society Press) Sara DeLuca weaves the Williamson
family letters into a larger portrait of the war years and Depression,
followed by midcentury prosperity and the decline of the family's Wisconsin farm. "The Crops Look Good" is available on and other booksellers.
I hate to sound like a hoarder, but not only should we write letters, we should save them, as well. We should preserve the letters that we receive, and if we think that there is some significance to the letters that we write, we might want to make copies of them before we mail them and save the copies.
We should write letters full of details about our daily lives and the things that are happening in the world and how they affect us. We need to be specific in our letters, writing complete dates at the top, including place names and people's names. We need to write for the intended recipient but with the idea in mind that others might read the letters, tomorrow, next year, in 100 years.
Write letters for the ages, as well as for one.