The Digital Generation Rediscovers the Magic of Manual Typewriters says, "At a series of events called 'type-ins,' they’ve been gathering in bars and bookstores to flaunt a sort of post-digital style and gravitas, tapping out letters to send via snail mail and competing to see who can bang away the fastest."
I've written a few blog posts about typewriters. Click here for a list of posts on this blog that have the word "typewriter" in them.
I used to be able to pound out letters at 90 wpm on a manual typewriter, but my fingers don't have the strength any more.
Hmmm ... I have an old typewriter sitting out in the garage waiting for the yard sale. Maybe I should rethink that! I do love the sound of typewriters. Things have changed so much .... maybe using a typewriter to write my letters would let me hang on to the past just a little longer. Nice post!
I almost hated the manual typewriter. It was hard on the wrists. Loved the Selectric (?) aka the electric, until the day our typing teacher brought the warning of being electrocuted to my nervous attention. Someone had dropped a paper clip inside the one I was using. First thing I did was stick out a finger to get it.
Your 90 wpm are impressive. My sister typed over 102wpm, and became an executive secretary. I admire you both tremendously. My best was 40 wpm on a manual. :)
Now I wonder if women in secretarial pools suffered hearing loss from all that noise. Seriously.
I generally prefer handwritten notes, but I'm always pleased with ones done by typewriters as well. I had a type writer as a little girl. My grandma gave me hers when she bought a new one. :)
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