Let the celebrating begin! Today is the first day of National Card and Letter Writing Month!
I know some of us, including myself, often find ourselves too busy to write proper letters. But, really, when you think about it, we make time for all sorts of less productive things every day. So, how about we take this month to reset our letter writing centerpoints, if necessary.
In the spirit of FlyLady (aka Marla Cilley), even if we have a stacks of unanswered letters sitting on our desks or stuffed in our purses, let's not think of it as being behind in our letter writing. Let's just start from where we're at, to quote FlyLady directly, and write letters this month. Just start with one letter. Open it and re-read it. Get out the appropriate stationery or notecard or even a postcard. Find a pen, and answer that letter! Immediately address the envelope and put a stamp on it. If you can, put it in the mailbox now. If not, put it right on top of everything you'll be dealing with tomorrow so that you'll be sure to mail it then.
If you have a blog, website, Facebook page, etc., spread the word about National Card and Letter writing month! It's an idea worth sharing!
This year egg press and hello!lucky are sending out free kits which include 4 letterpress cards (2 of each design) and a Sakura Gelly Roll Pen. I think I heard about it last year from you right here on this blog. This year you can go to writeoncampaign.com to get a kit. Sorry if you already knew all of this! Just wanted to help spread the postal love.