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Monday, April 6, 2015

New US Stamp Kicks Off Letter Writing Month

To kick off National Card and Letter Writing Month, the U.S. Postal Service introduced a new stamp, the "From Me to You" stamp. The stamps are bright and colorful and come with a set of stickers for decorating your envelopes.

According to the USPS website, the stamp was dedicated on April 1, and U.S. Postal Service Judicial Officer William Campbell said:
 “Sure, email and texting is quick and convenient, and Facebook has photos and videos, but nothing beats the thrill and excitement of opening your mailbox and finding a personal letter addressed to you. Letter writing improves social and penmanship skills. More importantly, it helps create lasting memories with the people you care about most. That’s what the From Me to You stamps are all about. After all, nothing else cultivates a romance, nurtures a friendship, or helps you stay connected like a hand-written card or letter.”
The limited edition Forever stamps bear the words “From Me To You” in capital letters. Surrounding the four rows of stamps in the center of the sheet are colorful self-adhesive stickers. The 11 labels at the top of the sheet, in the shapes of hearts, circles, and rectangles, carry messages such as “Happy Birthday,” “Miss You,” “Thank You” and “Get Well Soon.” Along the sides and bottom of the sheet are 26 decorative stickers including hearts, envelopes, flowers, mailboxes, and a kiss (red lips).

Stamp artist Michael Osborne of Palo Alto, CA, chose bright jewel tones and primary colors to reflect the happy, playful personality of the stamp design.

A variety of standard philatelic products are available for the stamp design.


  1. Ooh, I just got some of these for this month. I love the fun selvage! Wish all stamp sheets came like that.

  2. No wasted space on selvages! I like the pastel colors and the simplicity. It's a grand start.

  3. Oh...I love these! Go USPS! I wonder if my little local post office got any...hmmm!

  4. I had to order mine. They came yesterday. I tried to buy more at the post office today and they were sold out. For once, there is less waste after the stamps are all gone.


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