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Monday, August 9, 2010

Letter #221 -- A different twist on the letter

Some have deemed August as  Audio Book Appreciation Month (I've also seen June referred to as Audio Book Month, so you have a choice). Today, instead of writing a letter, dig out that old tape recorder and a cassette tape or figure out which program on your computer records audio and record your "letter" to a friend.

Follow the lead of the characters in "Il Postino/The Postman" and record more than just your voice...record the sounds of life around your house. According to Ken Burns' documentary "Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio," during radio's earliest years, one announcer ran out of things to broadcast and simply stuck the microphone out the window to broadcast the "sounds of New York" to his audience, who reportedly loved the idea. Your penpals, too, might like to hear what goes on in your world...your music, your cat purring or your dog barking, etc.

Letter "writing" topic for Aug. 9, 2010

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