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Monday, April 11, 2011

Letter Writing Topics 100-106

Try some of these letter writing topics:

Letter #100: Write to a former teacher. Let him or her know what an impact he/she had on your life.

Letter #101: What's your favorite flower? Do you grow them in your yard? Do you receive them on special occasions? Write about them in a letter!

Letter #102: Write about something that frustrates you and what you're doing about it.

Letter #103: Be a little crazy today. Write a letter on "nontraditional" stationery. Write a letter on a paper sack or the inside of a cereal box or on any other piece of "paper" that is normally used as stationery. Sure, your letter's recipient may think you a little nuts, but it'll be fun.

Letter #104: Write a letter forgiving someone. If it isn't appropriate to say, "I forgive you," make it clear in the letter that's what you've done.

Letter #105: Are you a Scout troop leader? Do you feed the animals down at the Humane Society? Do you serve up meals at a shelter? Today, write about some volunteer work that you do. How do you help out? Share what you do, invite your recipient to join you.

Letter #106: What's in your wallet (or billfold)? Do you have pictures of your family? The password to your email? Expired credit cards? Write a letter today about the stuff that you carry around with you every day.

Happy Letter Writing!

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