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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Letter #273 -- Would You Rather?

One of the books on my daughter's Scholastic Book order form is a book for best friends that includes a list of questions that each friend answers. The questions all start with "Would you rather...." Now, keep in mind, this book is aimed at older elementary school kids, so some of the options are a little gross. (The example in the flier asks, "Would you rather drool maple syrup or sweat cheese?" Anna and I both agreed we'd rather drool syrup.)

Now, take this comment and turn it into your own fun quiz for a penpal. There are some examples online, if you search for "Would you rather questions," but beware...some of the sites are a bit risque. Here are a few ideas to get you going:

Would your rather send mail or receive it?
Would you rather get a letter with a pretty envelope or a pretty stamp?
Would you rather get a hand-written letter from someone with messy handwriting or a typed letter?

Keep adding to that list and send off your questionnaire today!

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