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Monday, August 2, 2010

Letter writing and the younger generation

A story that was published recently in USA Today, showcases summer camp as a place where youngsters learn the almost-lost art of letter writing.

In "Can Summer Camps Revive the Lost Art of Letter Writing?" the former president of the American Camp Association says, "Camp is a place for kids to practice growing up, and when they become adults, they will need to string together more than 140 characters. Where else are they learning to address an envelope? If camp is this expanded learning environment, letter writing is the touchstone of that learning experience."

My 10-year-old daughter enjoys writing an occasional letter, and she enjoys reading "American Girl" magazine. the July-August issue of the magazine features a "story" titled "Sorry So Sloppy." It's a series of letters back and forth between two pen pals. The American Girl website has a related activity/story called "P.S. Write Back Soon."

It might not be such a lost art after all.

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