Yesterday evening, looking out my kitchen window into the backyard, the night looked normal and pleasant. The sky was bright and blue with a few wispy clouds floating by. But, when I looked out the front door to the west, the sky told a completely different story. In that direction were rolling dark thunderheads, coming our way. Before the night was over, a fierce (but not damaging) storm had blown in. We had hard rain, high winds, lightning and thunder. Everyone was safe and sound, but it was interesting how much difference a change in perspective made. If I had only looked out the back window, I might not have known that storm was coming.
My journalism experience has taught me the importance of looking at situations from different angles. Today, take a look at a situation in your life from a different perspective and then write a letter about what you discover.
Letter writing topic for June 15, 2010
(Thunderstorm graphic from
So for 6 months now, I've been calculating the number of letters I've written - always backtracking because I don't blog daily. Tonight it dawns on me, 365 letters keeps track of the letters daily. All I have to do is take a peak in to know how many I've written. Yahoo! That or take a look in my log book.