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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Letter #147 -- Just Say It

Today, write a letter saying "Thank You" to someone. Say "thanks" for something someone has done for you. Anything. Anyone. Say thanks for unloading the dishwasher this morning. Say thank you for loaning me all that money last year. Say thank you for agreeing to be my wife (or husband). Just let someone know how appreciative you are for what he or she has done.

Letter writing topic for May 27, 2010

1 comment:

  1. This one was a nice letter to write and i already sent it to my daughters teacher....

    perhaps i could share with you the words that i wrote...
    I am writing to you personally, and on behalf of my daughter Amber that you have taught this school year. And we say Thank You!

    As school is coming to an end and ready for the summer break to begin, let us share our appreciation with you for the excellent
    job you do and your positive influence. We are very grateful for the kindness, effort and long hours you put in.
    We recognize your hard work and appreciate the love, attention, learning and safety you have provided for Amber.
    What a wonderful class room. We couldn't have asked for a better teacher.

    It is because of you as a teacher and the kind individual that you are that you have helped Amber to believe in
    her abilities; instilling in her the desire to always try her best; and all the while maintaining a sense of humor.
    She has shown how she can dedicate her time in the tradition of teamwork, hard work and success.

    I know both her and I will look back fondly on the school year she shared with you.
    Thank you for the experience.

    I would hope that we can keep in touch and wanted to wish you a very happy summer.
    Take time to relax and enjoy it for yourself.


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