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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prompt replies

Is there a letter awaiting your reply? Read what William Shenstone, an 18th Century English poet, had to say about answering letters you have received:

The best time to frame an answer to the letters of a friend, is the moment you receive them. Then the warmth of friendship, and the intelligence received, most forcibly cooperate.

~William Shenstone


  1. Oh Lord, I wish I could do this. I have a lot of letters in my pile... but I'm about to go write some!

    It's hard, when you receive multiple letters a day... (but it's a great problem to have!)

  2. Oh yes, I agree.

    But then, I worry that the person will be a bit put-out, at getting so quick a reply. Might they feel pressure to send their reply back too quickly, for their personal preferences?

    Interesting topic, this. Me'thinks I feel the inspiration for a post, coming on. :-)

    Aunt Amelia
    "Dear you," blog

  3. I did take your idea, and ran with it. And of course, linked back to your blog!

    My entry is here.

    Aunt Amelia
    Dear you,

  4. I agree, most of the time! :) Also that I'll either respond immediately or in three weeks. I'd rather immediately.


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